Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lesson 8: Primrose, Apple Blossom, Violet, Wild Rose

The lesson started out with me being late then throughout the class I was just so clumsy. I bet the girls sitting next to me were wondering what was wrong with me. I was such a clutz that day. I dropped my flower nail, I nearly dropped the piping bag, I got icing in my tip case, I tripped over the table leg and horror of horrors, I smudged my cake. Sigh, the icing on the cake would have been for me to fall off my chair… with the cake.

I think I was just overly tired. It’s been a few late nights and then my son still doesn’t sleep through the night. This probably contributed to me being not quite myself. Probably attributed to why I found this lesson particularly hard. According to the other girls, they found the roses hard but to me, the roses were easy compared to the Primrose for example. I just couldn’t get it right for the longest time and finally when I was sort of getting the hang of the heart-shape of each petal, I couldn’t get the thickness of the icing right for each petal.

Reasons why the Primrose is a challenge for me:
1) Each petal is in the shape of a heart so that means different pressures and strokes to create just one petal
2) One part of the petal is thinner than the other
3) One part of the petal is more rounded than the other
4) I have to make 5 of these and make them look uniform (Aargh!)

Primrose (Yellow), Daisy (White and Peach), Violet (Purple)

That aside, the apple blossom is ok. Once I got the tip at the right angle to give the petals a bit more height it started to look much better. The Violet (#97) was probably the easiest and the Wild Rose was a larger version of the Apple Blossom. We also learned to pipe the fern with leaf tip #57 and the Violet Leaves with tip #103.

Crystal told me that I need to practice more. Yes mam!

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